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Noma blue connects back to these inspiring guardians of land and sea ... storytelling and returning 1/5 of each event we curate back to their mission or journey 

Oceans 5 - Chuck Fox

Ocean guardian ... respected and admired throughout the world of marine conservation who first connected our project to others when we were but a grain of sand


BLOOM - Association - Fondation 2050 -founded by Claire Nouvian

Nomablue invites this incredible group of scientists and conservationists to launch and celebrate La foundation 2050


Fondation 2050

Président D'honneur - Danielle Pauly

Président - Philippe Cury

Déléguée générale - Sabine Rosset

Nomablue hosts Board meeting of fondation 2050

Defenders of the deep sea ... filmmakers ... fighting legislation ... influencing policy in the world of commercial fishing. Paris rockstars of the ocean. 

Mission Blue - Hope spots 

Sylvia Earle | David de Rothschild & Ambassadors for Nature

An evening at Nomablue in celebration of Nature during COP21 - The first international Climate agreement  

Mission blue is an initiative of the Sylvia Earle alliance (S.E.A) ... to ignite public support for the protection of Hope Spots ... special places that are vital to the health of the ocean ... through the creation of a global network of marine protected areas to safeguard 20 percent of the ocean by 2020 ... Sylvia Earle is founding member and godmother to the world of marine preservation ...


Jon Waterhouse

"The Healing Journey" is a worldwide river event that brings people who are continents apart much closer together, raising awareness for the importance of environmental stewardship, combining traditional native knowledge with modern science helping to rebuild intimate connections between tribal communities and the natural world.

Tribal leader, National Geographic explorer and environmental steward ... "A deep care and concern for other people is what will ultimately improve and save our natural environment ... there are some brilliant minds out there that will be wasted if we don't connect with them"

Pristine Seas - Enric Sala

Identify .... survey ... protect and restore the last truly wild places in the ocean .... through exploration ... scientific research ...economic policy analysis and outreach ... we work to establish marine reserves where marine life can thrive ...With your support we have helped to protect 3 million square kilometres of ocean territory.... Pristine Seas is one of National Geographic's key initiatives dedicated to environmental preservation ...


Creatives we admire who join our tribe or who's tribe we join ... storytelling together 


Bonnie Young


Collection III presentation at nomablue studio  

Inspired by powerful women ... Young is an author ... photographer ... curating museum exhibits from photography to tribal costumes to jewellery. Founder of fashion fights for children's rights.

This inspiring lady has created one creative conservation piece for Nomablue giving 10 percent back to ocean conservation.


Magdalena Frackowiack Jewelery

Collection II presentation at Nomablue studio

Beautiful simplicity and elegance ... conversations of the Leuser Ecosystem ... following Paul Hilton's Story that month ... by nomablue 



Fall 2015 Collection at Nomablue studio

20 percent of curation was given back to Mission Blue for ocean conservation

Designers ... Collection makers ... treasure hunters and ocean lovers ... Founded in 2008 by Shane Garbier and Christopher Peters ... both Graduates of The School of The Art Institute of Chicago and later working with Jurgi Persons and Nick Cave amongst others ... This partnerships collections are driven by concept and narrative ... collaborating with artists and stories


Print presided over Launch of Nomablue for COP21

Story and Interview on our Journey page

Creative conservation ... free diver ... ocean photographer ... take 3 for the sea ambassador and Noma blue tribe member ... replace fear with fascination



FW Evening at Nomablue studio

Farfetch is an innovative e-commerce company that brings the worlds best independent fashion labels to an international audience, they are also an amazing team of kind people.


Philip Volkers

Images and Mustang Monument wild horse moments on our Journey

Adventurer ... photographer ... Noma blue tribe member half to a couple that is creating and living nature ambassadorship.  

The Lost Explorer - David de R - A voice for Nature - Collected consciousness

Launching Nomablue with A voice for Nature x Creative Conservationist partner

Guardians and Creatives of Land and Sea ...  Mentored by nature ... considered collaborations ... thoughtfully collected ... open to interpretation ... explore ... get lost ...

Connecting the dots .. small and tall ... giving nature a voice


Pebble London

Godfather to Noma blue ... storytelling ... exploring ... One of the largest curated collections of stones , tribal jewellery and tribal art in Europe ... collected consciously "because you cannot improve on nature "

Marco Walker

Images and moments on our Journey

Photographer ... Nature and Californian kindness ambassador ... Noma blue tribe member and magic moment capturer